About Creative Lab Acceleration (CLAP)
The Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) as drivers of both economic growth and cultural engagement primarily generate income through the trade and commercialization of intellectual property rights whilst creating new jobs in higher occupational skills, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises.
With advancements in technology, especially the digital and streaming revolutions, creative and knowledge-based industries have become leaders in disruption and innovation, emerging amongst the most dynamic sectors in the global economy. In addition to its economic benefits, cultural and creative industries generate non-monetary value that can contribute significantly to achieving people-centered, inclusive, and sustainable development.
Benefits of C.L.A.P
Training And Resources: Selected Applicants will be trained in exportable creative skills. Creatives will also be given resources and tools that are specifically made to help them do more.
International Market Exposure: The ministry would work on connecting investors and market leaders that are ready to capitalize on Nigeria’s creative output.
Funding Creatives would be able to apply directly to different categories of funding to either kickstart or expand their projects.
If you have read through the eligibility and requirements and are ready to apply for the Creative Leap Acceleration Program (CLAP), click the button below to fill the form
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